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Гардениана Gardeniana разработаем новую концепцию ландшафта

Develop a new landscape concept
Athens, Greece

  • Fill the garden with individuality
  • add functionality
  • reduce maintenance
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Fescue, liatris, penstemon. Gardeniana to keep the best of the old garden and give it a new modern design look.

New concept

By studying the existing garden and the experiences and feelings of the people who own it, we will develop a new concept for a modern design garden.

Taking into account the condition and range of existing plants and customer's wishes, we will develop new functionality of the garden, form sustainable plant communities, which is relevant as an alternative to large areas of lawns and traditional flower beds.

We will keep the best of existing plants.

Our principle is to keep the maximum from the previous garden and give it a new modern look.
Gray spirea, forsythia, tullebane, daffodil, sedum, white violet, lapwing. Gardeniana Gardeniana garden with a vibrant personality

Multifunctional space

Проектируем многофункциональное пространство, дающее свободу неограниченную жестким зонированием.
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Мискантус, монарда, эхинацея, лаванда, спирея, роза, лилейник, нивяник. Гардениана Gardeniana сад современной функциональностью

Everything changes

Time is a factor beyond man's control.
Time plays its own game with us in the garden. Plants are part of the living nature and they behave according to their genetic factors, change over time and under the influence of the sum of external factors.

People's lifestyles also change over time: children are born and grow up, new interests emerge, vivid travel experiences are created. And new materials and plant varieties appear on the market, which contributes to the desire to renew the garden.

If after purchasing a home with a finished landscape, going out into the garden you mentally plant other plants, in another area to rest, you lack an ornamental vegetable garden, you see a parking lot or neighbor's windows - then it's time to apply for a new garden design for your family's needs..
Калина, черноплодная рябина, рудбекия, вереск, астра новобельгийская. Гардениана Gardeniana выстраиваем развитие сада на годы

Quick solutions

Renew the garden, change the feel, introduce seasonal effects, plant greenery for the table - for small but spectacular changes you can use a container garden. It's mobile, quick to create, easy to change.

Our capabilities

  • Design stable landings
  • Reduce noise
  • Defeat the wind
  • Hide your life from prying eyes
  • Reduce heat loss

We create designer gardens with vibrant personality, modern functionality and minimal maintenance.
Being close to nature is a subconscious human need. Natural elements have a positive effect on the nervous system, mood and inner resources.
How to live and work harmoniously in an urban environment?
Create a mobile container garden.

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Recharge with positivity and new ideas
Turn all your dreams and requests into a functional complete solution
Phone: +30 697 1831940
Telegram, WhatsApp +38 050 902 75 27
We are located in Athens. We can come to other cities in Greece.