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Гардениана Gardeniana сад с яркой индивидуальностью

We create
design gardens
Athens, Greece

  • minimal maintenance
  • with vibrant individuality
  • modern functionality
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Хосты, астры, герани, ниаянник, гортензия, подорожник, децентра. Гардениана Gardeniana сад минимальным уходом

Sense of space

Creating a sense of space (genius loci), linked to both the basic human needs for relaxation, security, comfort and confidence in the local value of your garden.

The garden should be a generator of positive experiences and feelings for the people living in it.
Forsythia, barberry, blue honeysuckle, badanum, chard, bellflower. Gardeniana builds the development of the garden over the years

Multifunctional space

Design a multifunctional space that gives freedom unrestricted by rigid zoning.
Witch hazel, chubushniki, vesicular carp, lily of the valley, lobaznik, helenium, veronica, catananche. Gardeniana design sustainable plantings

A unique solution

We believe there is no such thing as a bad site, species, topography or soil.

A plot with features is an interesting challenge for the designer, the solution of which makes the garden unique.

Our principles are to cooperate with surrounding nature, not fight it
Эхинацея, Рудбекия, калина, лапчатка, седум, пион, слива. Гардениана Gardeniana уменьшим объем ухода

A garden is a process

An important difference between garden design and interior design: a garden is a process, not a static piece.

The experience gives us the opportunity to dig deep into the process and build the garden's development over the years.

We create designed gardens with bright individuality, modern functionality and minimal maintenance

Спирея, императа, исоп, эхиноцея. чабрец. Гардениана Gardeniana разработаем новую концепцию ландшафта

Our capabilities

  • Design stable landings
  • Reduce noise
  • Defeat the wind
  • Hide your life from prying eyes
  • Reduce heat loss

Have you decided to live in a house?

Have you decided to buy a plot, a finished house or build a new one?
It is the perfect time to invite a landscape designer for a consultation.

Book a consultation

When does the GARDEN begin?

The conceptualization of a future garden can start at any stage of the construction of a house or after its purchase.

The best case is when the house is designed at the same time with the landscape.

Book a consultation
Did you buy a house with a finished landscape, or did you inherit a mature garden, or has your garden grown and you realize that you would like to change something?
It's time to call for a garden redesign.
Being close to nature is a subconscious human need. Natural elements have a positive effect on the nervous system, mood and inner resources.
How to live and work harmoniously in an urban environment?
Create a mobile container garden.

Our Instagram
Recharge with positivity and new ideas
Turn all your dreams and requests into a functional complete solution
Phone: +30 697 1831940
Telegram, WhatsApp +38 050 902 75 27
We are located in Athens. We can come to other cities in Greece.